Wreath of Khan for our boss who just got a new job.
Shawn at the ER for the croup.
Sunset from the housing office.
Naughty elf.
Our apartment.
Our apartment again.
Elise's apron from Great Grandma and Grandpa.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Elise's Halloween party.
I made this for a paper I am working on getting published, it's the best Oryctodromeus restoration I have done. It represents all the bones we have for the animal from Idaho.
Shawn wanted a bite of jalapeno, we gave him only a tiny one I promise (and he actually wanted more after pulling this face).
Shawn's Halloween scarecrow costume.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Sunset at Squaw Creek.
Rainbow at Squaw Creek.
Nice place to camp minus the rampant shooting during hunting season.